Since 1995, has helped hundreds of thousands of job seekers with disABILITIES connect with leading employers, establishing itself as the premiere resource for disABILITY talent acquisition and branding.
Additionally, abilityJOBS maintains the largest resume bank of candidates with disABILITIES.

What sets abilityJOBS apart?

Largest Resource

Largest Nationwide Pool and Resume Database of Jobs Seekers with disABILITIES

Social Media

Job postings promotion on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook


Unlimited job posting subscriptions with added value packages or single item purchase

Resume Bank

Searchable resume database search, single item or package available

Mulitple Users

Additional Colleague Account with shared subscriptions within company, unlimited available


Scrape/post from company ATS available as well as XML data source via FTP

Media Support

Branding opportunities with ABILITY Magazine, the leading publication for health, disABILITY, and human potential.

Build Awareness

Company-wide Awareness building resource through ABILITY Magazine’s digital distribution

Job Seeker Scope


• Job Agents (monthly emails) 140K+
• Registered Job Seekers 88K+
• Searchable Resumes 28K+
• Avg Monthly Impressions 78K+


• Post-Secondary Education 91%
• Degrees 54%
• Advanced Degrees 18%


• Experienced (non-manager) 39%
• Manager 15%
• Executive 3%

Return on Investment

  • Dedicated Platform

    No back-fill from other job boards like Monster or Indeed

  • Candidate Traffic

    Driven Job Seeker traffic to company career site via apply and branding links

  • Unmatched Access

    Access to tens of thousands of qualified job seekers with disABILITIES

  • Branding

    Recognition as an Employer seeking to hire persons with disABILITIES