ABILITY Corps Donation Form

ABILITY Corps is working to break down unconscious bias toward people with disabilities. We believe in creating platforms to speed up this social and civil rights issue. Two such programs include the abilityE.org and ABILITYJobFair.org.


We are creating a world of inclusion and awareness for people with disabilities – through art, media, housing, employment, and volunteer opportunities.

Donation Form (#5)

Thank you for donating to ABILITY Corps!

You may leave a message to designate which program you want to support or leave blank to support our overall mission.

ABILITY Job Fair - The first accessible career fair for job seekers with disabilities with video, text, live captions and Sign Language Interpreters on demand.

abilityE - An entertainment industry resource for talented performers with disabilities

Please add a message for your records or if you would like to donate in the name of a friend of family member.