Employment for Job Seekers with disABILITIES

ABILITY Job Fair (a service of ABILITYCorps.org) presents an accessible face to face video career fair technology to corporations, governments and non-profits so they may actively recruit candidates in the most human and efficient way available. This is the first platform to embed ASL, Live Captioning, Text and more for job seekers with disabilities.

ABILITY Job Fair laptop screen with job seeker, recruiter and interpreter

the ACCESSIBLE revolution!

Providing sign language interpreters within the platform: For many people that are deaf, English is their second language. Sign language is their first. Reading is sometimes not fully comprehended under pressure situations and is slower than using sign language to actively engage in a conversation. Text messages, writing notes back and forth or projected captioning are done in a second language, which a person may need more time to fully comprehend. Therefore, using sign language during a job review is critical. Note: Think if you learned a second language in school, and then on a job interview you're told "today we'll only speak in that second language."

Our response?

Provide a better way for job seekers to engage in online career fairs.

  • Remove communication barriers
  • Increase efficiency and quality of connections
  • Create a more human experience
  • Eliminate travel and distance barriers
  • Attract, seek, and invite specific candidate profiles based on employer hiring needs

Accessibility Features:

  • Live Video/Audio
  • Screen reader compatibility
  • Speech to text in real time
  • Sign language interpreters on stand-by
  • Text based messaging available

Job Seekers can attend from anywhere there is a browser with internet connection. The platform is a user friendly, browser based experience with no need for downloading special software.

*Requirements to attend:

  • Desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone
  • webcam and microphone
  • Chrome browser

Organizations now have another resource to make meaningful recruitment connections to persons with disabilities. This user friendly and browser based application requires no unnecessary downloads. The only requirements are an internet connected device with webcam and microphone and a Chrome or Firefox browser.



American Sign Language
Interpreters available
on stand-by


Filter candidate streams by
skill set, department
or job descriptions


Recruiters control length
of time speaking with
each candidate


Built on a secure,
accessible video
communications platform


View job seeker
resumes within the
live meeting interface


Text based messaging for
alternative to voice


Real-time voice
to text application using
Google technology


Searchable database
of all attendees
by fields and location


Database of all
job seekers who visited
Employer's portal

Live Online Career Fair
First platform that simulates the live career fair experience for job seekers with disabilities and recruiters

Job Seekers


If you can't make it to the online job fair visit the largest job board and resume bank for talented people with disABILITIES — abilityJOBS